u9-u10 Soccer
Starting at U9, the SCYSA will offer both house and development teams for players. A Player Development Academy is also offered for this age group, open to all players looking for additional training opportunities outside of their team.

U9-U10 House Soccer
Beginning at U9, teams now practice for an hour once during the week, outside of school time and play games on the weekend. Boys play Saturdays and Girls play Sunday afternoon. Referees are introduced at this age, and games are 6v6-7v7. The Fall soccer season begins in September with a Jamboree Kick-Off Event, and wraps up in the beginning of March with a fun, Year-End Tournament. As per BC Soccer's Long Term Player Development, no standings are kept.
Current 2024/25 Fall House Season Details:
Ages: U9-U10 (2016 & 2015 born)
Days & Times:
Boys: Saturdays, sometime between 10:00am-3:00pm (game times vary depending on age group)
Girls: Sunday afternoons between 12:00pm-4:00pm (game times vary depending on age group)
Location: Games are played on fields between Gibsons and Sechelt.
Practice Days & Times:
Boys: Monday or Thursday (evenings)
Girls: Tuesdays or Fridays (evenings)
Fall House Season Dates: September 14th, 2024- March 9th, 2025
Jamboree Kick-Off Event: September 15th, 2024 (boys & girls)
Holiday Break: December 16th-January 10th
Last games before the Holiday break: December 14th & 15th
First games after the Holiday break: January 11th & 12th
Year End House Tournament:
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
See below for FAQ
Development teams for U9 & U10 players will be available for the 2025/26 Fall Soccer Season.
Upcoming 2025/26 Fall Season Details:
Ages: U9-U10 (2017 & 2016* born)
*note: 2016 boys may be moved into rep program for 2025/26 season. TBD at later date.
Game Days & Times:
Boys: Saturdays
Girls: Sundays
Location: TBD
Fall Season Dates:
September 6th, 2025- March 7th, 2026
Practice Days & Times:
Boys: Monday or Thursday (evenings)
Girls: Tuesdays or Fridays (evenings)
Holiday Break: December 15th-January 9th
Last games before the Holiday break: December 13th & 14th
First games after the Holiday break: January 10th & 11th
Year End House Tournament:
Saturday, March 7th, 2026
See below for FAQ

Player Development Academy U9-U10
SCYSA Player Developement Academies are for players looking for additional development opportunities outside of regular league/team play (Fall House, Dev & Rep League/Spring League).
Fall & Spring Development Academies are open to all players.
Players not registered to an SCYSA Fall League team (house, dev or rep) may be required to pay an additional BC Soccer insurance fee.
1. My player has never played soccer before. Can they still join at this age?
A: Yes. We welcome players of all levels of experience to join our house league.
2. Where do house teams play?
A: House teams will play in our House League on the Sunshine Coast. Games are played in Gibsons, Roberts Creek & Sechelt throughout the season that runs September to March. The aim is to have teams play in all communities equally, however, field closures sometimes effect the balance.
3. Can my child request a friend to play with?
A: On our house teams, all players can request a friend and we will do our best to accommadate requests made by the cutoff date. On our development teams, we unfortunately cannot take requests.
4. Where do U9 & U10 development teams play?
A: During the Fall season, U9 & U10 development teams will either play in an interlock league with the North Shore (North & West Van, Bowen Island, etc.) or in a SCYSA house division 1-2 years up, depending on the strength of the team, and other various factors. During the Spring Season, these development teams will have the option of entering into the Cascadia Spring League,
5. What is the purpose of having development teams in the U9 & U10 age groups?
A: The Club aims to provide opportunities for all players to be appropriately challenged (not overly challenged, and not under challenged) so they can develop their skills and enjoy their playing experience. Development teams aim to provide opportunity for players to train and play with others of similar ability, rather than dominate in practices and games. By removing these dominating players, remaining players are able to get more involved, take on more leadership roles, and get more touches and time on the ball, which will enhance their skill development.
6.How are development teams selected?
A: Players will be assessed throughout their U8 & U9 seasons, at games, practices, & age group development nights by our Technical Staff. Coach feedback will also be collected and considered by our Technical team. In some cases, select players may be invited into player identification sessions in mid February/early March for further assessment. Top players will be identified, and invited to development teams by mid March, for the following season.
7. If I coach, will my child have a better chance at being selected for a development team?
A: No. Coaching has no bearing on whether your player will be selected or not. Once teams are formed, a call for coaches will go out to all selected player's parents. If no parent is available to coach a team, the club will look for a coach that is unattached to the team.
8. Will U9-U10 Development teams carry "training players"?
A: Yes. Training players will be invited to practice with the development team, as long as they attend their own team practices and games. These players may have opportunities to be called up to games and additional tournaments.
9. Is there a difference in registration cost for a house and development team?
A: Possibly. If the development team plays in the NSYSA interlock league, there is a slight increase to the registration fee that covers the clubs registration into the league.
10. How often to U9 & U10 teams play?
A: Teams at this age practice once a week, and play a game on either Saturday (boys) or Sunday (girls). Teams will also have Age group development sessions provided a few times a season.
11. How do I register for a House or Development team?
A: Players register in their applicable age group on our registration page. Players will then be assigned to teams during our team formation process.
12. Can my player "play up" or "down" a division?
A: If you feel your player is not being adequately challenged, you may put a request in to have your player assessed by the Technical Director to play up a division. Alternatively, if you feel your player is being overly challenged, you can also put in a request to have your player play down a division.
13. My player did not get identified for a development team, but would like to work towards playing a higher level. What can I do to support their development?
A: Encourage your player to practice their skills, and get as many touches on the ball as they can. Assure them that they are capable, if willing to put in the effort. Players develop at different speeds, but practice outside of the regular soccer schedule makes a big difference. Practice at home, and take advantage of extra development opportunties- ie: Player Development Acadamy, Age Group Development Nights, attending team practices and games, etc.